LA Smog

California is trying to pass legislation to curb CO2 usage by 30% before 2015. Since CO2 can't be filtered from the exhaust, the only way to lower emissions, is to increase fuel efficiency. The big benefactor of this would be the world. If California succeeds, the automakers will be producing more fuel efficient cars -- and cars the use less fuel, will output less global warming gases. Cities would also benefit from less smog. It's surprising then to hear the automakers whine, complain and challenge this. Ford's CEO, William C. Ford, Jr., says, "We're in the business of giving customers what they want, and they're saying, 'We want bigger engines and bigger vehicles.'" The automakers have been listening selectively to what customers are saying. Fuel economy has increased by just 1% , while the average vehicle has increased its power by 93% and is 24% heavier since 1981. This is selective listening. I don't think there's a grassroots consumer movement out there protesting for the automakers to increase engine size and gas consumption. There certainly is one for the opposite. The Japanese automakers have been listening too, even while they've jumped on the SUV bandwagon. They're way ahead of the American car makers -- who should take heed, because what California starts, other regions will finish.


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