Saddam Hussein in Court

I'm no fan of Saddam Hussein. The man is evil. He killed, and killed and killed. But it's interesting the spectacle that's being played out in the court in Iraq. Hussein declared that the court is "all theatre." I agree. It is theatre. Very serious theatre. A show that will most likely take Hussein's head. But the charges brought against him:
  • Killing religious figures in 1974.
  • Gassing of Kurds in Halabja in 1988.
  • Killing the Kurdish Barzani clan in 1983.
  • Killing members of political parties.
  • The 1986-88 "Anfal" campaign of displacing Kurds.
  • Suppressing the 1991 uprisings by Kurds and Shiites.
  • Invading Kuwait in 1990.
  • It takes little stretch of the imagination to apply similar charges to other world leaders. George Bush for instance, for an unjustified war and the taking of innocent lives in Iraq, not to mention the kids he sent to war in the name of fighting terror. (The Americans crucified Clinton for putting his dick where it didn't belong, but are doing nothing to a man who's responsible for ending thousands of lives.) Or Vladimir Putin's unchecked war against Chechen rebels. It goes on and on. Yet the spectacle of the courts never visit these leaders.


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