
On my way home from work this afternoon, the little one was sitting beside me, smile on her face, lost in ABBA -- so she didn't see what happened at the Leslie station. A teen got on the bus, dressed in a tight tank top and track pants with crotch to spare. She strutted with attitude. Sat down, and dared anyone to give her an excuse. Then a small white butterfly flew in through the open bus door just before it closed. It went straight, and slammed right into the window. There was no way out. It struggled. Reversed. Went at the window again. Repeatedly. There was no opening. Minutes went by as the bus waited for the driver to return from the station. The teen got up, went to the window, caught the butterfly gently in her hand, strutted to the door, pushed it open, went outside and released the butterfly. She strutted back to her seat, sat, and dared anyone to give her an excuse. That was a spark of hope.


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