EAI Patent

Teilhard Technologies has been granted patents in the US and Canada for their ETL method of EAI integration. Their method speaks to some of the basics of ETL that's current employed by many other EAI providers. Teilhard has already opened conversations with some EAI providers to ask for money via license fees for use of processes they have the patent rights to. This is going to be another case of bring out the lawyers.


  1. Have you been following the latest on this situation? I have been following this since it's inception and would be curious to know what your thoughts are. Teilhard has brought in some big guns to help them out as of late. I will continue to read your responses and follow up


  2. I'm very curious as to your attachment to this story. As i stated, I have been closely involved for 2 years now and your comments are a little skewed. Originaly i thought that you might be an investor as i am, but your comments yesterday lead me to believe otherwise. The writing is on the wall, yes, but not as clearly as you state.

  3. re: Anonymous' post above:

    I'm not an investor in Teilhard. Sorry if you were mislead. I am however interested in the topic.

    I believe Teilhard is committing piracy by exploiting patent laws and a patent process that is broken and in dire need of an overhaul. The patents granted in the US and Canada describe processes that are the basics of ETL methods. They contain nothing revolutionary. They only describe automated conversations. Teilhard intends to exploit a shortcoming in the law that granted Juxtacomm Tech. Inc. rights to the ETL methods for its own monetary gain. Teilhard is not interested in building software; they're not interested in furthering ETL development; they're only interested in being a wretched company that profits from the labours of ETL firms and their clients.

    Teilhard and their ilk are the scourge of the software industry. They are why open source development need to be a success.

    If you've been following this closely for 2 years, have any insights and wish to share any information (even contrary to my views), please do express them. Don't tell me I'm wrong -- prove me wrong.


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